American Horror Story: Cult - Episode 3 Neighbors From Hell (Review)

Angry mobs, Feretrophobia, creepy chemical trucks, and smiley faces galore! Make the world wrong. This is American Horror Story: Cult - Episode 3 Neighbors From Hell!

First off, I have to say that this was quite the episode! I have greatly enjoyed the first two installments this season even giving episode two a five out of five, but WOW did this episode blow away my expectations!

Laura Allen as Rosie
We start with a very chilling opening scene showing another one of Dr. Vincent's patients named Rosie. It is revealed that she has Feretrophobia, the fear of coffins, as Dr. Vincent is telling her how proud he is that she has overcome her fear through their sessions (I don't buy it). We then cut to Rosie and her husband, Mark, at home. Rosie is pouring herself a glass of wine when she hears a loud crash and Mark grunting. She walks into one of the rooms to see two coffins leaned up against a wall with the smiley face symbol painted on it (those damn clowns again). The clowns appear dragging Mark into the room, when the pentagram face clown grabs Rosie from behind. They force the two into the coffins, then proceed to bold the coffins shut while the couple screams. We see Rosie inside the coffin living out her phobia in real life (my claustrophobia is going nuts at this point) and the scene ends with the two coffins alone in the room as the couple continues to scream. Cut to title sequence (which I'm really loving this year).

When we return, we pick back up with Ally after she accidentally shot Pedro last episode (RIP Pedro you deserved better). Of course, she is extremely upset staring out the window crying. Detective Samuels appears behind her and tells her that she is protected by Michigan's "Stand your ground" law. Ivy enters and tells her that she finally got Ozzie to bed. Ally worries that he will be traumatized after seeing her kill a man, but Detective Samuels interrupts saying that she had every right to believe that kind of man (again being a racist asshole) would be a threat to her and her child. Ally begins to talk about the clowns causing Ivy and Samuels to look at each other in disbelief (of course). After Samuels leaves Ally asks how Ozzie can possibly get over what he saw and Ivy tells her that all they can do is hope he finds a way to live with it, but can Ally. Once again we get a scene where Ivy is seemingly comforting Ally, but at the same time condemning her. The writers are really trying to make it seem like Ivy is part of the cult, which makes me think that there's something else going on.

Back at the restaurant, Ally and Ivy drive up to see a group of protesters standing outside chanting No justice, no peace! Justice for Pedro! We're introduced to Adina Porter's character, a reporter named Beverly Hope who is covering the recent deaths that have taken place in this small Michigan town. She says that anxiety has risen in the community and the people are placing most of it on Ally even calling her a lesbian George Zimmerman. Ally asks Ivy to drive away, but she refuses saying that she needs to keep the business going and leaves Ally in the car.

Evan Peters as Kai Anderson
While Ally is sitting alone Kai appears at her car window (seriously Kai stop sneaking up on her). He tells her that he believes what she did was very brave and he respects her. He says that she doesn't need to worry anymore because he will take care of her (whatever that means). Don't worry about this mob. I'm gonna take care of that for you. Ally asks him what he means, but he cuts her off saying Just keep living your truth and please, have a nice day. He walks away leaving Ally in the car confused at what just happened. Kai seems to be taking a huge interest in Ally, but we still don't know what his end game is with her. He is clearly manipulative and charismatic and seems to be pulling the strings, but do we really know that for sure? Murphy, Falchuk, co seems to be really trying to make us question what exactly is happening this season and I'm loving it!

Back home Ally is greeted by the Wiltons (wearing sombreros I swear to god) in what is one of the most whacky ridiculous scenes so far. The couple accuses Ally of executing Pedro saying How does it feel to exercise your white privilege and execute people of colour with impunity? Ally tries to explain the situation and how it happened, but the Wiltons are not having it. Harrison even yells Hey, did you know that I did 23 and Me and found out that I'm ten percent Mexican? Does that make you want to kill me! She tells them they are insane then he proceeds to throw Taco Bell coupons at her so she can Wallow in her white appropriation of Hispanic culture (yes, really lol). Ally tells them to leave her property and they tell her they want racists out of their neighbourhood. Ally replies Your neighbourhood? I was here first! To which Meadow wittily responds, Tell that to the Native Americans! Ally closes the door on them, then walks away. Kudos to James Wong, who wrote this episode for being completely unforgiving in his satire of American culture.

Sarah Paulson and Alison Pill as Ally and Ivy
That night Ally and Ivy are in their bedroom when a news report interrupts them saying that the police have found the bodies of another couple in the neighbourhood locked in coffins inside their home (RIP Rosie and Mark). They look at each other in horror, then suddenly a loud rumbling noise can be heard outside. They run to window to see a large black truck driving down the street spraying glowing green chemicals (WTF is happening on this show). 

The next morning they walk outside to see a large amount of dead birds lying in their lawn. Ivy calls the county commission who informs her that they did not green light any company to dispense chemicals the previous night. While Ally and Ivy are learning this information Winter walks into the room. Ally tells her to leave, but Ivy defends her saying that she asked her to come and what happened the night Pedro was shot was not her fault. Winter apologizes and says she left because she was scared. Ally forgives her and says she can stay on as the nanny. Winter tells the couple that she thought she had been fired, because a man was at the door claiming to be there responding to an ad, so Winter let him in.

The couple runs to the living room to see a naked man standing there masturbating. He tells them he's ready for them (why is everyone so horny on this show?). Ivy threatens to call the police, then the man tells her that there was an ad asking for middle aged man ready to please two horny lesbians. They force him to leave and look at the ad on the internet. Ally is convinced the neighbours are the ones who placed the ad (I mean tbh probably).

The next day Ally calls Dr. Vincent from the car to tell him what's currently happening with her. While she talks about the neighbours and how they have been harassing her he can be seen sitting in his office rearranging smiley face pins on his desk (WTF is with this guy? He has to be part of everything). She tells him that she is going to confront the protesters and explain to them the situation. Dr. Vincent listens and tries to talk her out of it (not very convincingly) and sits back in his chair seeming to get some pleasure from hearing her struggles (seriously WTF is up with him?). She gets to the restaurant and drives up to the protesters. This of course goes terribly wrong and only stops as Kai walks into the crowd and tells them Enough. He walks over to Ally and says I told you I would take care of you. Seriously, what does he want with her?

Back at the house Ally and Ivy return to see Oz and Winter playing with a guinea pig. Ally tells them that they can't keep the pet, that Ozzie has named Mr. Guinea much to Ally's dismay, and tells Winter that she should not have given it to him. Winter informs her that Mr. Guinea was a gift from the neighbours, which only infuriates Ally more (okay, Ally you don't have to be so harsh over the guinea pig). She tells Ozzie to say his goodbyes to Mr. Guinea, but he replies I wish I could say my goodbyes to you (damn Ozzie). After Ozzie runs out of the room followed by Winter, Ivy tries to diffuse the situation saying that he didn't mean it he's just upset. 

Ally blames the neighbours and calls them. We see the Wiltons sitting in their living room with Detective Samuels, who is making eyes at Harrison (okay then Samuels). Harrison answers the phone and argues with Ally for a bit before Meadow grabs the phone and says Hello, lez. It think you're a horrible racist, then hangs up. Ally looks at Ivy shocked at what just happened when the chemical truck can again be seen driving down the street. Ally loses it and storms outside. She stands in front of the truck yelling to get off her property, but the truck does not slow down. Right before Ally would be run over she dives out of the way falling onto the sidewalk (well that was a close call). Ivy runs over to her and sees that she is bleeding. The truck drives away as Ally and Ivy stare in shock.

We transition to Meadow and Kai as he is using the pinky technique on her to learn about her fears. She first tells him that she is afraid that one of the Real Housewives of New York has a drinking problem, then Kai slaps her across the face (WTF Kai). He begins to yell about his revolution saying Do you understand how valuable my time is? How much it means that I'm here doing this for you? This is a revolution! (take a damn chill pill Kai). She apologizes and tells him that she hides behind her humour. He says to stop and know her pain. He continues, Now tell me are you afraid that you're 40 and childless? Are you afraid that you will die unloved? Are you afraid that you will never be penetrated by a man again? (Idk what Kai's obsession is with other peoples sex lives but okay). She tells him yes to everything and that she is afraid the man she loves is turning against her. Kai replies He is. I would. You're so fucking irritating. (well damn, Kai). She tells him that the man she loves has found a "friend" and they whisper behind her back (presumably Samuels). Kai digs deeper saying that she is afraid she is nothing. He tells her to stop apologizing for anything, because that makes her nothing. He ends by saying You want to be somebody? You want to matter? Then you make the world wrong. 

Leslie Grossman as Meadow and Evan Peters as Kai

There's a lot to take in during this scene. Kai continues to manipulate multiple characters this season furthering the thought that he is in fact the cult leader. I still feel like there's more happening than what we are being shown by the writers and that they are preparing us for some sort of twist that will flip the whole season on its head. I could be wrong though. I find it interesting that so far in both instances of Kai performing this ritual with his "followers" he ends up telling them what their fears are not the other way around. That begs the question, is Kai actually tapping into their minds and figuring them out or is he putting these thoughts in their heads? I'm sure the writers will expand on this in future episodes.

When the show returns we get a very heartwarming scene between the Mayfair-Richards family as they are enjoying a dinner at their restaurant. They're all trying different ice cream flavours and Ally informs Ozzie that he can keep Mr. Guinea (Oh no. The poor guinea pig is gonna die.) after he apologizes for what he said earlier. This scene is a great much needed break from all the horror and conflict the family has been facing. We finally get a chance to slow things down and see the family in a happy situation where they can just be themselves and let us empathize with them and root for them more. It's a great calm before the inevitable storm.

When the Mayfair-Richards family arrives home they find the smiley face symbol painted on their front door. Ozzie runs inside wanting to tell Mr. Guinea that he gets to keep him only to find him in the microwave (NOT THE GUINEA PIG!). Ally and Ivy run in just in time to witness the pet's demise. This finally pushes Ally completely over the edge. She charges over to the Wilton's and barges in when she finds the door unlocked. Ivy and Ozzie chase her trying to stop her. Ally walks up to Harrison and punches him in the face. Meadow protests the assault as Ally accuses them of all the events that have transpired. The Wiltons seem genuinely shocked by Mr. Guinea's death and become worried when Ally mentions the symbol on her door. You've been marked by the killer, Harrison informs them. Ally scoffs at them accusing them of messing with her family and threatens to kill both of them if they step foot in her house again or come near her family. Again the writers are making us question everyone's loyalties and what is actually happening.

After the altercation Ally and Ivy are arguing as they walk home. Ivy tells Ally that she is no longer the person she fell in love with when they got married. She says she put up with her voting for Jill Stein, but she can't stand for her assaulting the neighbours. Ozzie interrupts them pointing out that the smiley face symbol is also on the Wilton's house. Ivy asks if they should warn them, but Ally says they probably painted it there themselves. When Ivy protests asking what if something happens Ally simply replies Fuck them. Ivy and Ozzie head home while Ally stays back analyzing the symbol. The chemical truck is back again, but this time two people wearing hazmat suits get out and begin spraying chemicals directly on Ally's lawn. She sees them and confronts them. She pulls off one of their masks to see not a human face, but a smiley face symbol mask. She passes out. This is a great intense scene that continues to amp up the tension and horror. For everyone who was missing the horror elements so far this season, you got them tonight! I was on the edge of my seat just waiting for everything to explode the minute Ally stormed over to the Wilton's home. I was not let down AT ALL. The way this sequence was shot was A+ so kudos to Gavin Kelly. The use of depth of field changes and twisting camera movement when Ally pulls off the mask adds a lot to the tension of the scene and Gwyneth Horder-Payton's direction of the actors during their altercation is also to be commended.

Billy Eichner as Harrison and Even Peters as Kai
We come back to yet another fear ritual scene this time with Harrison and Kai. Kai begins by asking him when his first homosexual experience was and Harrison tells him the story of how when he was younger he and his big sister's boyfriend jerked each other off while she was asleep. Kai asks him why he didn't blow him and he replies that he did the a few days later and prematurely ejaculated (again, why is Kai obsessed with peoples sexual experiences?). Kai asks him what his biggest regret is and he replies Marrying my fag hag. Kai asks if he wants Meadow dead and Harrison says no he loves her, but he's afraid he'll have to live with her for the rest of his life. Kai insists that he wants her dead and tells him to say it and see how it feels. He does. Again we get another example of Kai telling someone how they supposedly really feel. 

Back at the Mayfair-Richards Ally is telling Detective Samuels about everything that she believes the Wiltons have done. He asks Ivy if Ally has shown any signs of psychosis causing Ally to once again blow up. She pulls out the remains of Mr. Guinea and throws them on the counter to show Samuels. Samuels tells the couple that forensics came back on the symbol and it seems to be authentic. Ozzie can be heard yelling in another room causing Ally and Ivy to run upstairs to him. When they reach him he slams his laptop shut and tells them that he did something bad. They ask what happened and he says he clicked on a link. Ivy says it's okay she set a parental control and Ozzie tells her that he saw her make the password, clowns with a z, (really Ivy?) and Ivy grounds him. They open the laptop much to his protest to see a video of Winter trying to pleasure Ally in the bathtub. Ivy storms out of the room and Ally chases after. After slapping Ally, Ivy accuses her of having an affair with Winter and she says that she would never do that to her. She continues saying that someone is messing with their family and trying to drive them apart. Ivy doesn't believe her and decides to leave with Ozzie. When Ally begs her not to leave her alone Ivy responds, You should call Winter. And if the smiley face on the door is what the cop said, you'll have plenty of company (damn, Ivy).

As Ivy and Ozzie are leaving Harrison can be seen running out of his house screaming as cops are surrounding it. He can be heard saying that he doesn't know what happened and he had nothing to do with it he just woke up and rolled over in bed and felt something sticky, then noticed he was covered in blood. A police officer tells him to calm down and he once again delivers the line of the night, No! I can't calm down! You need to calm up! You need to get to my level! You need to get agitated! (I died laughing). He sees Ally across the street and points to her saying, She's the one! She's the killer! What did you do to my Meadow?! He charges Ally and is tackled by police. While this is happening Ozzie sneaks into the Wilton's home. When Ally and Ivy see him they follow him to see blood stains all over the walls and stairs. They turn to see the smiley face symbol smeared on the Wilton's wall in blood.

So as you guys know I've really been enjoying this season so far. Last episode kept me extremely interested and kept me on the edge of my seat. That was before Episode 3 aired! Wow guys! This episode was intense! The acting was on point, the cinematography was great, and the direction was well handled. The writing is continuing to keep me on my toes questioning what's real and what isn't and keeps me wanting more! 

I have to give American Horror Story: Cult - Episode 3 Neighbors From Hell 5 out of 5 cauldrons!

Don't forget to let me know how you felt watching this episode down below! Are you enjoying this season as much as I am? If not it's okay and if so awesome!
